[Openjmx-devel] New RMI Adaptors architecture
Bordet, Simone
2002-02-12 15:30:14 UTC
Hi all,

so I have just finished the RMI adaptors, and found a better architecture to implement them.

Current one is:

RMIConnector --> network --> RMIProtocolAdaptor --> MBeanServer

where RMIAdaptor sits on top of the RMIProtocolAdaptor to give manageability to it.

New one will be:

RMIConnector --> network --> RMIProtocolAdaptor --> Interceptor 1 --> Interceptor 2 --> ... --> Interceptor n --> MBeanServer

Every interceptor is an MBean and it's registered along with the RMIAdaptor MBean.
It is possible to enable/disable the interceptors, and every interceptor can perform operations based on the informations it has.
For example one can write an interceptor that uses JAAS to allow or not certain users to perform some operations, or not use JAAS and do the same kind of checks.
Or another interceptor that will record different users, or one that records the hit per second of the interceptors, and so on.

I've already done 90% of the new architecture and seems to work well.

It will have much more dynamicity, manageability, and it is easily extendible by a user that wants custom interceptors.

I think I will replace the old architecture with this new one, keeping all the good features of the previous (IIOP, SSL, remote listeners, etc). The new architecture only affects the management part, and slightly the implementation. For example for users is transparent: the usage is the same I don't have even to change the documentation :)

Opinions are welcome

Carlos Quiroz
2002-02-12 16:40:04 UTC
Post by Bordet, Simone
Hi all,
so I have just finished the RMI adaptors, and found a better architecture
to implement them.
RMIConnector --> network --> RMIProtocolAdaptor --> MBeanServer
where RMIAdaptor sits on top of the RMIProtocolAdaptor to give
manageability to it.
RMIConnector --> network --> RMIProtocolAdaptor --> Interceptor 1 -->
Interceptor 2 --> ... --> Interceptor n --> MBeanServer
Every interceptor is an MBean and it's registered along with the RMIAdaptor
MBean. It is possible to enable/disable the interceptors, and every
interceptor can perform operations based on the informations it has. For
example one can write an interceptor that uses JAAS to allow or not certain
users to perform some operations, or not use JAAS and do the same kind of
checks. Or another interceptor that will record different users, or one
that records the hit per second of the interceptors, and so on.
This sounds very interesting, and we could actually use it for the HTTP
Adaptor as well. I guess we'll be providing some interceptors with openjmx. I
can imagine an interceptor which knows of other MBean Agents in the network
and can communicate with them. Somehting like

RMIConnector --> network --> RMIProtocolAdaptor --> Interceptor 1 -->
Interceptor 2 --> RMIConnection --> network --> Interceptor n --> MBeanServer
(in another node)

I say, go for it
Post by Bordet, Simone
I've already done 90% of the new architecture and seems to work well.
It will have much more dynamicity, manageability, and it is easily
extendible by a user that wants custom interceptors.
I think I will replace the old architecture with this new one, keeping all
the good features of the previous (IIOP, SSL, remote listeners, etc). The
new architecture only affects the management part, and slightly the
implementation. For example for users is transparent: the usage is the same
I don't have even to change the documentation :)
Opinions are welcome
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