[Openjmx-devel] NotificationBroadcaster interface - removeNotificationListener() method
Tom Elrod
2002-01-28 02:28:01 UTC
I have been working with the JMX Reference Implementation to build some
additional features (similar to the JDMK). I have everything working using
the JMX RI and found your implementation. I found that your version of the
NotificationBroadcaster interface has 3 method signatures for
removeNotificationListener() and the JMX RI implementation has 1. After
looking at the JMX spec., it says that:

"This method takes a reference to a NotificationListener object, as well as
a hand-back object."

The JMX RI implementation isn't even correct, in it only takes the
NotificationListener as a parameter. I know the specs. are vague, but
wondering why you added the extra ones?



P.S. Also wondering if there are any future plans to add some of the extra
features as in the JDMK to OpenJMX in the future, or will you wait till
solid specs. are release on these types of features (i.e. Cascading Agents,
auto-detection, etc.)?
Bordet, Simone
2002-01-28 07:19:02 UTC
Hi Tom,
Post by Tom Elrod
I have been working with the JMX Reference Implementation to
build some
additional features (similar to the JDMK). I have everything
working using
the JMX RI and found your implementation.
Be aware that coding against the RI is very different from coding against the JMX spec. Many threads have been discussed here that start with "cannot run this in OpenJMX, it runs in the RI, why ?" and that ends up with "a bug in the RI".
Post by Tom Elrod
I found that your version of the
NotificationBroadcaster interface has 3 method signatures for
removeNotificationListener() and the JMX RI implementation
has 1. After
"This method takes a reference to a NotificationListener
object, as well as
a hand-back object."
The JMX RI implementation isn't even correct, in it only takes the
NotificationListener as a parameter. I know the specs. are vague, but
wondering why you added the extra ones?
Because they are very much needed :)
Furthermore, the spec should upgrade and fix this mess: the only way I see not to break the already written code is to add the spec compliant method and/or the third one, that was missed by the spec writers, but is indeed needed.
Post by Tom Elrod
P.S. Also wondering if there are any future plans to add
some of the extra
features as in the JDMK to OpenJMX in the future, or will you
wait till
solid specs. are release on these types of features (i.e.
Cascading Agents,
auto-detection, etc.)?
For what pertain JSR 160, I guess we will wait the spec, even if I'm on the expert group for that JSR.
For other feautures such as SNMP support and other stuff, we are wide open to contributions.


