Bordet, Simone
2002-01-15 08:54:02 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: martedì 15 gennaio 2002 11:42
To: Bordet, Simone
Subject: Re: ANN: WebOS 0.1
Hi Simon,
See comments inline.
Well, I understand now why you said that. Effectively I am
using my own
ModelMBean implementation. I used the one from Jetty-JMX that
is pretty
you will have probably less support and less responsivity.
Yeah that's true. I am always kind of "frightened" about the
IBM stuff.
They have so many different licenses that it is painful to make sure
everything is fine... And moreover their TMX4J contains some
JNI code :-(
Good news.... I will consider switching to OpenJMX (BTW what is your
license) for version 0.2.
I worked with Jini to build a cluster system, but was just
an experiment, so I say I know Jini but not at its best.
Nice, on that stuff, we could share our efforts and provide something
nice. I will subscribe to the mailing-list and post a mail explaining
what I have in my mind about those features...
Yes, I have seen that you use log4j just as I do, and this is between
than dumping some stupid thing on the standard streams such
as what the
JMXRI of Sun does.
work is inspired by Rickard Oberg's SmartWorld, isn't it ?
Part of it yes. I gained much more knowledge reading his
examples. Some
proxies are quite similar to the one he wrote and some are completely
new, such as the Weka one that will enable a new kind of application
server, believe me. I have never heard of server using data-mining
algorithms in order to improve load-balancing, high availability and
such things...
Sent: martedì 15 gennaio 2002 11:42
To: Bordet, Simone
Subject: Re: ANN: WebOS 0.1
Hi Simon,
See comments inline.
Hi Jerome
many other bugs. I wonder how you managed to have it working...Hi Simon,
All the MBeans are ModelMBeans. I am using the Sun run-time
I have not experienced any bug with the ModelMBeans yet. Is
it so buggy?
My god it is not usable even. set/getAttribute don't work,All the MBeans are ModelMBeans. I am using the Sun run-time
I have not experienced any bug with the ModelMBeans yet. Is
it so buggy?
Well, I understand now why you said that. Effectively I am
using my own
ModelMBean implementation. I used the one from Jetty-JMX that
is pretty
It sound that you know much more JMX that I do (I looked at the
website), so I have a question for you: what about TMX4J?
Have you tried it?
No, should be ok, but it is not open source like OpenJMX, sowebsite), so I have a question for you: what about TMX4J?
Have you tried it?
Yeah that's true. I am always kind of "frightened" about the
IBM stuff.
They have so many different licenses that it is painful to make sure
everything is fine... And moreover their TMX4J contains some
JNI code :-(
I looked at the website of OpenJMX. When will the HTML
adaptor released?
We will release the beta out today :)adaptor released?
license) for version 0.2.
And finally, I have in my plan to use dynamic proxies for creating
ModelMBeans out of Jini Services. Would OpenJMX offer any
help for that?
Yes, we can definitely work together on it.ModelMBeans out of Jini Services. Would OpenJMX offer any
help for that?
I worked with Jini to build a cluster system, but was just
If you want to join OpenJMX mailing list, you can post your
suggestion and we can realize them as extensions.Nice, on that stuff, we could share our efforts and provide something
nice. I will subscribe to the mailing-list and post a mail explaining
what I have in my mind about those features...
OpenJMX also has some nice features that plug in in your
framework nicely, first of them being the logging of the JMX agent.Yes, I have seen that you use log4j just as I do, and this is between
than dumping some stupid thing on the standard streams such
as what the
JMXRI of Sun does.
We also use dynamic proxies for invocations of standard
MBeans, so we know what your talking about, and I guess yourwork is inspired by Rickard Oberg's SmartWorld, isn't it ?
Part of it yes. I gained much more knowledge reading his
examples. Some
proxies are quite similar to the one he wrote and some are completely
new, such as the Weka one that will enable a new kind of application
server, believe me. I have never heard of server using data-mining
algorithms in order to improve load-balancing, high availability and
such things...