Post by Bordet, SimoneHi,
Post by Carlos QuirozHi all
I just added what I believe is a crucial feature of the
HttpAdaptor. Now the
default MBean view will lead you to a page where you can query the
constructors of a given class. As an answer you will get the class'
constructors and you can create MBeans.
Please give it a try.
How to handle classloaders?
Should the classloader be a MBean?
I guess so since the createMBean and instantiate methods
allow only an
ObjectName as loaderName.
The classloader can be an MBean or the classloader of the MBeanServer class
(on the server), if you specify it null, or the DLR, is you don't specify
it. Jar must be available through an URL; so or local to the server, or
served by an http server.
Now is working by using a null classloader
Post by Bordet, SimonePost by Carlos QuirozIf so, how can you create a ClassLoader which is MBean and
has ObjectName?
AFAIK there is no such MBean, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Aaaahhhhhh ! :)
Right, this is the one. I knew it couldn't be missing :-)
I guess I will add an interface to create MLets, where you can pass a list of
Post by Bordet, SimonePost by Carlos QuirozShould we
create one in none is available?
You can always do that: subclass URLClassLoader and give it a management
interface (empty for that matters), and register it.
I guess the MLet is enough
Post by Bordet, SimonePost by Carlos QuirozWhat's the best way to do this. Do a createMBean (current
option) or do a
instantiate and then a registerMBean
So, I did not totally get your feature.
You can create objects of whatever class that will be stored along with the
http session that then you can pass to constructors or setter methods ? Or
you just display MBeanConstructorInfo metadata ?
No session ever, never :-)
the constructor request will return the constructors for a given class (any
class). Then you get a GUI for using that constructor, that is fiels to set
params and an objectname. Obviously if you query for java.lang.String you
will get some constructor but if you try to construct it there will be a
problem because it is not an MBean
A more refined version could do the cheking beforehand
Post by Bordet, SimoneIf the latter, then parameter to constructor must be simple types (int,
strings), right ? Do you use JavaBeans API to convert (PropertyEditors) ?
Now is only basic types + ObjectName. I'm thinking how to do it for adding
custom types in principle is not a problem as fas as you can have an empty
constructor or a constructor that takes a String, that includes things like
ObjectName, URL, Date.
This requires a bit more thinking tough
Post by Bordet, SimoneFinally, unless you perform instantiate and register in 2 http requests (I
guess you don't), doing createMBean or instantiate + registerMBean is the
same. One call is probably simpler.
Ok. I'm doing registerMBean, that's also better since if the class is not
MBean it won't be instantiated, will be?
Post by Bordet, Simonepublic class Service implements ServiceMBean
public Service(Info info) {...}
public class Info
public Info(String date, String user) {...}
it is not yet possible to create an Info object, store it along with http
session and tell the adaptor to use that object to create the MBean, right
? Just curious.
No. Again no session has been implemented
Post by Bordet, SimoneHowever, great job Carlos !
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