2002-01-23 16:53:29 UTC
I have a weird problem: an operation is defined twice on a SMB.
My code design is:
BasicServiceMBean: defines a "void addMemberGroups(java.lang.String[]
groups) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;"
BasicService: implements the BasicServiceMBean interface
BasicServiceMBeanDescription: description of the attributes & operations
defined in the BasicServiceMBean
ReggieMBean: extends BasicServiceMBean and defines some additional
Reggie: implements the ReggieMBean interface and extends BasicService
ReggieMBeanDescription: extends BasicServiceMBeanDescription;
description of the attributes & operations defined in the ReggieMBean
interface and call the super methods otherwise.
I have attached all the files.
However, in order to run, you need to set up a Jini environment. If you
really need to run it without Jini, I could rewrite something Jini
My code design is:
BasicServiceMBean: defines a "void addMemberGroups(java.lang.String[]
groups) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;"
BasicService: implements the BasicServiceMBean interface
BasicServiceMBeanDescription: description of the attributes & operations
defined in the BasicServiceMBean
ReggieMBean: extends BasicServiceMBean and defines some additional
Reggie: implements the ReggieMBean interface and extends BasicService
ReggieMBeanDescription: extends BasicServiceMBeanDescription;
description of the attributes & operations defined in the ReggieMBean
interface and call the super methods otherwise.
I have attached all the files.
However, in order to run, you need to set up a Jini environment. If you
really need to run it without Jini, I could rewrite something Jini